Sunday, February 25, 2007

Checking in...

Checking in...

For those who follow my newspaper column, let me just say that I hope to write it again. My editors at the American have always been very understanding when I need a break. Or maybe they're relieved?

I am on hiatus while I grieve the loss of my dad and help my mom as she courageously endures the final stages of stomach cancer. These are days filled with emotion, heartache and wonder. Mostly, I wonder how to get through them.

Thank you for your prayers and words of support. For those of you who have lost loved ones to incurable illness, please know that your wisdom and sympathy have provided amazing comfort during this difficult time.

Meanwhile, mend your fences, hug the unhuggable, love like there's no tomorrow and remember those who have passed before us. Embrace all that makes life so wonderful and laugh, laugh, laugh. When your time comes, you'll have no regrets and your family will have a beautiful life to remember.

Enjoy this day...
